You don’t have to eat the shit they’re serving.

Warm weather brings a return of cookouts and gatherings. It is “normal” to indulge at social events. But what if the wieners, chippies, and light lager so often found at gatherings do not make you feel great? What if you have some wellness goals and are avoiding these foods/drinks, what do you do? 

I used to “get by” at events.  Ahead of time, I’d think, surely there will be something I can eat at this party! The American way is to cheese it up, put some breading on it, and make it irresistible by making it sweet so it triggers that dopamine reaction in your brain. But y’all, these days… I get food hangovers! If I go to pound town on some boneless wings, you better believe that breading is going to make my knees ache the next day, and probably a few days afterward. Sure, that might be the best choice at the party (it's protein right? And better than a Wonder Bread bun and nitrate hotdog?), but it is not a good choice for ME. 

I do not eat dairy, gluten (wheat), or sugar these days. I feel my best when I abstain from these food groups. It has helped with inflammation, body aches, and food cravings. Inevitably, some of these ingredients find their way into most festive foods.

The better we get to know our bodies, the more we understand what makes us feel shitty, and what keeps us in a neutral place. I want you to feel like food is less of a “big deal” this warm weather season, so you can stay feeling your best! For me, chicken wings at a Saturday night party result in my knees aching the next day and do not equal the rewards of getting up Sunday morning to take a recharging hike. I’ve put together some tips to help you prepare for gatherings this season. You get to decide how you feel every day.

Toolkit for feeling prepared for warm weather gatherings:

1. Do not let anyone pressure you into eating anything.

 “Aw come on, you can have a little bit.” Sound familiar? My favorite response is a firm, NO THANK YOU, with a quip of a smile so they know I’m serious. Whatever they’re pressuring you into is not worth it for you.

2. You do not have to explain to anyone why you are not eating or drinking the consumables at the gathering.

I find If I keep something in my hand, it minimizes people trying to offer me a drink I don't want. I stopped drinking a few years ago and I don’t want to feel like I have to give my whole WHY. For food, I usually say I’ve already eaten because I probably have.

3. Empower yourself by being prepared for shitty things people might say.

When people say things they should not say out loud when you decline food or drink, “Well you’re not much fun.” I challenge you to tip your head to the side, STARE intently and say nothing. That is my idea of fun. If you’re prepared, you’ll be less likely to react emotionally.

4. Be prepared, it is your responsibility to feed yourself.

Sure, it would be nice if everywhere you went, they had food you could eat or in my case n/a options (I don’t drink). But that isn’t always the case. I often eat beforehand or bring my own snacks/drinks. People are always curious about my mocktail creations and they usually ask to sample them.

5. Ask yourself, is this little cup or plate of stuff really that important?

Dude, food and drinks do not have to be that big of a deal. We assign so much emotion to food! Try to focus on the WHY of the gathering, and enjoy the atmosphere. Lessen your focus on the food and drink.

6. You don’t have to clean your plate.

This is not your mama’s house! You’re a grown up. If you take something and realize later it isn’t for you, don’t freaking eat it!

The final tip for fully feeling fully prepared for gatherings…

7. HOST the dang thing yourself!

Show the people how delicious the food can be in the food program/lifestyle you prescribe to. You can also outsource this to a restaurant. Or, go potluck style if you don’t want have to be responsible for figuring out a whole menu. You can ask people to bring specific things. Check out my tips for hosting so you feel on top of things for your gathering!

What do you find challenging about attending gatherings with food or drink restrictions? I can help! Or, let me know if you want more info on any of the above tips mentioned. Shoot me a DM on Instagram.


Fall in love with your kitchen.


5 Tips For Living Each Season To The Fullest