Hot tips for stress-free hosting.
Does the idea of hosting make you feel happy or hectic? Or both?
In this guide, I thought of everything you might need for hosting, so you didn’t have to!
Not everything in this guide will be applicable to every event you host, but it can act as a sort of checklist for you, so you can make sure you have everything covered every time.
When you feel “on top of things” ahead of your event, you will be able to relax and enjoy your guests more. After all, isn’t that why we’re hosting the event anyway? To connect.
A Month to a Week in Advance Make Lists of:
What you're eating & drinking Supplies you'll need Who you're inviting What you want the event to look & feel like, including decor, entertainment, and conversation. Set a date & time and think about the purpose of the event.
Gather or Buy:
Plates - appetizer, dinner & dessert Knives, forks & spoons Cups for water and other drinks Dinner & cocktail napkins Ice for drinks & coolers Food & Drink Decor
The Setup:
Place trash cans in multiple locations Gather or borrow chairs & tables Figure out a flow for guests to move throughout your space. Consider blocking off or rearranging some rooms for easy flow. You're in charge! Tell guests when they arrive where, how & when things will be happening.
Time and Place:
Be Clear about start & end times - you want to respect guests' time and you want them to respect yours. Does getting your house ready for guests seem like too much work or do you think your space isn't the right size? Consider a local venue that rents by the hour or a municipal park.
Clean and Tidy the Important Stuff:
You must clean your bathroom/s & kitchen. People do not care about how clean your baseboards are. They do want to know if your kitchen was clean when you prepared food. Also, guests have zero interest in directly coming in contact with your bodily fluids. Clean that bathroom!
Tips from: Priya Parker author of, "The Art of Gathering"
Ask yourself WHY you're gathering -have a specific purpose. The gathering should look different based on what your answer is. Focus on the conversation not the food. Try - making a toast or ask the event honoree to speak.
Add Flair:
Personalize a digital invite with a site like Canva. Even if you're just texting, it's fun, thoughtful & sets the tone/theme. Have a funky collection of something or want to show something off? Integrate it into a centerpiece!
Green Living Tips:
Ask guests to bring their own containers for leftovers so you're not using plastic bags. Create a "party tote." Buy (new or thrifted) glass, dishes, cups, silverware & napkins to include in your tote. Wash & pack when the event is over. You'll save $$$, gain time spent NOT shopping & have less waste. Plus it can reflect your personal style! Borrow stuff. Your aunt Karen probably has cabinets full of stuff you can use.
What party trick will you be using at your next gathering?