Are you or your organization interested in hosting an immersive and interactive experience?

Alana’s reputation as a speaker is built on her ability to inspire her audiences to take action with levity grace, humor, and realness. She is a true entertainer, the perfect speaker for an afternoon pick-me-up.


How To Commit And Become The YOU, You’ve Always Wanted To Be

In this talk, we will discuss how culture, upbringing, social conditioning, habits, and subconscious thoughts have kept you from making real changes in your life. You will receive tangible steps for getting started and committing to the changes you desire. You can become the you, you’ve always wanted to be.

An abundance of options actually requires more effort to choose and can leave us feeling unsatisfied with our choices. In this talk, we go through ideas from essentialism and apply them to work and personal life. You can make your life easier by simplifying your choices and the consequences that follow them.

Minimize Your Choices, Simplify Your Life

Wellness is the Foundation for Your Dreams

How you take care of yourself affects how you show up for all your life experiences. This talk focuses on simple lifestyle choices that can make a big impact on wellness. You get to decide your quality of life.

Let That SHIT Go

When we hold on to what we don’t need, we’re limiting the space for new things to come into our lives. In this talk, we will discuss tangible steps for letting the things go that weigh us down. Have you ever wondered what could your life look like if you let more shit go?


Looking for a deeper experience for your audience? Any of Alana’s signature talks can be expanded to a workshop experience. With Alana’s background as an entrepreneur, she can also shape these talks to address an audience more focused on professional development and entrepreneurship.

Fill out the inquiry form below and our team will get back to you within a week. We are so excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you.