Feeling Stuck In Life? Get Unstuck.
Life ebbs & flows, feeling stuck in life is inevitable. (But it’s not real). If you’re feeling extra stuck and ready to get your ass in motion again, here are five questions to ask yourself:
Is this true?
Who or what can help me?
How can I make this simpler?
What can I let go?
How can I?
Yep, I said it. Feeling stuck is not real. It’s a fabrication that we’ve created based on our limiting beliefs. My biggest advice for when you’re feeling stuck is to get resourced.
As mentioned, often times when we’re feeling stuck it’s because of limiting beliefs.\
Because you’re buying into cultural norms.
You’re buying into society’s bullshit stories.
When you’re in the pit of despair..
When you’re racking your brain…
When it’s been a year after you’ve decided to make some changes and you’re exactly where you’ve been..
I’m here to remind you that you are never stuck.
You have infinite number of possibilities! I was once nearly 300 pounds, but since I’ve been on my health & wellness journey for 4-5 years now, I have let go of copious drinking, and I’ve let go of some really nasty emotional wounds I was carrying around.
These questions were the main things I asked myself to finally turn things around and get “unstuck.” I could’ve gone on drinking every night, eating garbage, not treating my body well, and letting my emotional wounds lead my life, but I finally decided to stop feeling stuck.
Why do we get stuck?
Our nervous system is constantly trying to keep us regulated and same is safe. When we try new things & make new changes, our body and brain don’t know what to expect which subconsciously leads us down the road we were on before.
Give yourself some grace and forgiveness because making change is innately hard ⏤ we are not wired to do that. It’s hard in the moment, but once you change those neural pathways, you’ll be able to see & do things differently.
In order to make change we need to rewire & get resourced.
What does getting resourced mean?
To me, getting resourced means finding things that prove change is possible. Find resources that prove it’s possible to finally get unstuck. That leads me to my first question…
Is this true?
When you’re having a battle with your limiting beliefs or someone came along and said something to you that’s wheeling along in your brain… Maybe you’re wondering if you have the money, finances, time, and energy, ask yourself, “is that true?”
Ultimately, we create our reality and we get to decide what is true.
Who can I get to help me or what can help me?
Can you call a friend, family member, or coworker? Can you use AI to answer your question? Can you Google it? Can you find an expert on Instagram and ask via DM’s?
If you are feeling stuck it’s time to reach beyond your pool of people & resources to see who or what you can get to help you!
How can I make this simpler?
When you feel like an ant climbing Mount Everest ⏤ the problem is just too big and there’s no way you can get unstuck, find ways to make it simpler. Simplicity is actually one of the fundamental aspects of problem solving.
When breaking the problem down, you often have more time to think about it or brainstorm another solution. If your “problem” is losing 100 pounds, try breaking it down to 10 pound increments because that seems much more possible! If your “problem” is needing an additional $5,000 for a project, find ways to save just $100 a week. We all have little spending habits that add up to $100+ that we can easily cut corners on if we needed to.
When we look at things in a much smaller light, the possibilities seem much greater.
What can I let go?
What are you going to let go of in order to let new solutions in? First that comes to mind for me is family programming and cultural, societal, and gender norms. We often have this intense pressure of feeling like we should do things a certain way. How freeing would it be to let those norms & that programming go?
What ways of thinking are you willing to let go of? What can you be proven wrong about?
How can I?
How can I get this done? As humans, we tend to solve problems within our means. We don’t tend to think outside the box, but most often, the solution is just right outside the box.
How can I get this done?
Are there different questions to ask?
Are there resources I can gather?
Do I need to get this done right now?
Can I purposely procrastinate this?
So yes, while feeling stuck is inevitable. It’s not real. Rather, it’s us succumbing to our limiting beliefs and letting ourselves stay in the same spot. We can be so eager & ready for change, but if our brains can’t see how it’s possible, we will subconsciously keep heading down those same neural pathways. Are you ready to create some new brain waves? đź§