Cutting Back On Sugar & My Personal Health Story

I’ve gone through a massive health and life transformation over the last few years. It didn’t come by chance though…

For years I struggled with Candidiasis. It's a fungal infection caused by yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida, largely fed by sugar/carbohydrates and exacerbated by stress. My diagnosis really peaked in high school and started presenting on my skin through rashes starting from 2016-2020.

However, through dietary changes and supplementation from functional health professionals, I was able to dramatically reduce my symptoms and heal my gut. If this sounds familiar to you, I’m sorry because I feel your pain, but I highly encourage you to work with health professionals of your choosing to help guide you on your health journey because healing is possible!

I wouldn't have been able to do it without professional help, although there are so many free resources out there — DM me on Instagram @alanafravell if you need recommendations. 😉

I’ve lost almost 100 pounds…

I’m not sure if you can tell the difference between the two photos above, but for me, it’s a stark change. Before, I was feeding myself toxic processed foods, indulging in way too much sugar, drinking excessively, and overall didn’t have my spark. ⚡️ Now, I’m eating foods in their natural state, cut out alcohol completely, much more aware of the ingredients I’m putting in my body, and I feel like there’s a new radiance to me. ✨

This transformation was largely due to cutting back on sugar.

I hate to say it because it can be a touchy subject. People are addicted to sugar these days. 😬 Did you know that in the 1700s people ate only 4 pounds of sugar? Then in the 1900s it jumped to 90 pounds and in 2012 it was up to 180 pounds of sugar per year?! This is something that needs to change or our society is going to be plagued with diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Alzheimer's, and Cancer more than it already is.

So what is the science behind sugar? Why is it so hard to quit it?

As humans, our brains are naturally wired to seek out a thrill. Whether that be from a rollercoaster, sneaking another candy bar for dessert, or speeding down the freeway blasting 90s R&B with the windows down. 🚗💨

What happens when we indulge in sugary foods is we have a chemical response in our brain that gives us a quick hit of dopamine. Dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. Dopamine also has a role to play in controlling memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, movement and other body functions.

The kicker is though, this is how addictions are formed. We get so attracted to the hits of dopamine and the instant satisfaction of a substance that we crave it more and more. Which can be super destructive. Like anything, too much of a good thing is bad. Although sugar isn’t “good” for you, it is nice to have a sweet treat here and there.

But our brains love the excitement of the dopamine that it’s not just a “here and there” occasion. It becomes more and more until we’re eventually consuming 180+ pounds of sugar a year. That’s like a literal human worth of sugar. Crazy.

By making the decision to go lower tox, cut back on sugar, and completely cut out alcohol, I was able to make a massive transformation in my life happen successfully. You can do this too. In the video below I share with you exactly what I did to break my addictions and experience more food freedom. 💪

Wanna go deeper into changing your health & lifestyle?

Why not? 😏 Transform your well-being and home with a holistic, gentle shift towards a low-tox lifestyle by taking small steps for lasting change. I created a 3-month low-tox guide to help make this transition easier on you.

Would some group accountability make this even easier? Well, I’m hosting a 3-month virtual program that starts soon — January 15, 2024! You can join the waitlist below with no obligations. However, you do get first dibs when enrollment opens in January which is great because the first four people to enroll will get a complimentary 1: 1 call with me. Curious about what’s included in the program? 👇

Basically sugar is not good, although it tasted good, it’s a real b*tch. What do ya say we cut back on sugar this year and increase our health? 😏 Here’s how I was able to cut back on sugar… ⬇️


How To Make Lasting Lifestyle Changes


Three Big Areas To Shift To Live A Low-Tox Lifestyle